1. 点任务栏上的开始菜单→点运行 输入 %userprofile%\contacts 然后按确定。
注意: 大部分人资料夹里面可能会没有东西,其实是因为里面的文件夹和文件都是隐藏的。所以这时候你要点选那文件夹上的工具菜单→点文件夹选项→点查看 此时你会看到【高级设置】方块,然后你要在里面找到“显示所有文件和文件夹”点选这项目后按确定就会出现那些隐藏文件和文件夹了。
2. 接下来在任务栏的开始菜单上→点运行,输入%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Windows Live Contacts然后按确定。此时会打开一个名为Windows Live Contacts的文件夹。 方法跟第一步操作一样。把那个你MSN帐号的资料夹整个删除,就完成了。
注意:记得要设置改回【不显示隐藏的文件和文件夹】,做法也是一样: 随便一个文件夹上的工具菜单→文件夹选项→【检视】此时你会看到【高级设置】方块,之后你要再里面找到一个【隐藏文件和文件夹】里【不显示隐藏的档案和资料夹】点选这项目后按确定那些隐藏资料夹就不见了。
How to Fix sign-in error 80004005 for Windows Live Messenger
If you are encountering this error when signing in, please install the latest version of Windows Live Messenger from http://get.live.com/messenger/overview
After installation, verify that you have the version 8.0.0812. If you are still experiencing the issue, pelase contact Messenger Support at http://support.live.com and choose Windows Live Messenger
Updated (16.11.2006):
"Signing in to .NET Messenger Service failed because the service is temporarily unavailable. Please try again later 0x80004005"
The Microsoft .NET Passport account is blocked by the .NET Messenger Service because the computer may be running a third-party (non-Microsoft) program that is not licensed by Microsoft. This is a violation of the MSN Messenger Terms of Use. This error was originally created by MSN Messenger maintanence procedures. They were probably interested in stopping people from using third party add-on's thay may have a detrimental affect on their service.
To fix the issue you have to request that your email address be unblocked from MSN Messenger. This is a one time deal and you can only be un-blocked from the messenger service once so make sure that you have removed any offending software add-on's before asking
You can either contact msn if you have a paying msn account 1-800-635-7019 or go to http://messenger.msn.com/Help/ContactUs.aspx for non paying customers and request that the account be unblocked.
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